It is time to get my house in order. My kitchen required a bit of rearrangement to accommodate the new appliances, so that needs straightening. I killed the herbs so they need to be replanted. There are various and assorted items that have not been used for years that need to go live in the dumpster. There are quilt tops that need batting and backing, so those need to be ordered and other quilts in various stages of completion that need my attention. Carpets need cleaning and windows need washing. I have let things slide longer than I should have.
I move much slower than I once did. So I know it will take more time than I would like to get my house back to where I am comfortable with its condition. With any kind of luck, I'll be back in a week or so. If you don't hear from me then, send in the rescue squad. That will be me, buried under a pile of canning jars and quilt pieces. :)
Opus 2025-152: Time Out
4 hours ago
Have a good time rearranging and nesting.
ReplyDeleteI've been off the internet for a few days - busy canning and doing real life stuff like my gardens. Just checking in now because it is pouring rain outside and I'm having an in-home day.
Sorry to hear that your herbs died off. I'm afraid that I have the same effect on house plants. Cheers, SJ in Vancouver BC Canada
Sorry about your herbs, I not only murdered my lantana but an orchid. Now I am de-cluttering (again) and getting a bit more organized, I would not want anyone sorting through my stash.
ReplyDeleteMay the force be with you!
ReplyDeleteSJ...When I get busy with canning or dehydrating, it seems the day to day chores sort of fall by the wayside. When I stop and take a look round I discover my apartment isn't as clean as I would like it to be. I accomplished quite a bit today and hopefully in a few days I will have things tidy again. Just wish it didn't take me so long to do it!!
ReplyDeleteYep. Killed the herbs. I had replanted the parsley and those plants are up about three inches. I will replant the rest and see what happens. I'm not counting on any success with them, though. Hope your garden is flourishing. :)
JMD...Indoor plants need to be really tough and thrive on neglect in order to survive here. I even killed a cactus once.
ReplyDeleteI have no clue how I manage to collect stuff I don't use, but there it is. At least once a year I need to go through and weed out the unnecessaries, and that time has come. It probably wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for my food storage, but that all takes up space and especially with our uncertain times, I feel it is important to keep adding to it. And living in a small apartment, storage space is at premium. So the junk goes out. That, and I just sat down with Oldest Son who goes to the Farmers Market for me, and went through the list of produce I would need this fall. The trick is, finding room to store it all. Hence, the decluttering.
Gorges...Thanks. I think I need all the help I can get. :)
ReplyDeleteYou took a break from your break to read my blog which I appreciate.
ReplyDeleteBW...I need to stop and rest now and then, so I use that time to read my favorite blogs. I left a comment on yours but it never showed up. Don't know why. I love that little town and would like to wander about, looking into all those quaint buildings. Loved your photo of the lake framed by the trees. Smashing.
ReplyDeleteI did get your comment and thank you. I was not aware it did not publish. I have more stuff from there that will be spread out in the following days. I have a habit of usually not posting stuff in date order (it drives a friend on mine nuts). I should have mentioned the lake is Slocan Lake.
ReplyDeleteBW...Could have been just a glitch on my end. Not a problem. I am looking forward to more posts about that area. I have enjoyed what you have posted so far.
ReplyDeleteOK, Vicki - vacation time is over! Whatcha been up to? :o)
ReplyDeleteChickenmom...Vacation time my Aunt Fanny's fanny!! :)
ReplyDeleteKitchen straightened out - check
Two trash bags of crap in the dumpster - check
Herbs replanted - check
About halfway done with straightening out home canned food shelves. That is a bloody nightmare. When I got all the jars of chicken and turkey onto one shelf I found I have enough for the rest of my lifetime - fills up (double stacked) one whole 5 foot long shelf! Shelf holds jars 5 deep. Overkill, I think.
Sort of overdid it yesterday so today is a designated vacation day. Recliner. Good book - murder mystery. Lots of coffee. And naps. Maybe bake a batch of chocolate chip cookies.
Gotta admit it is nice to get things done that I have put off doing for a while.
Wow! You HAVE been busy!!!! You really are entitled to a vacation!!! :o)
ReplyDeleteChickenmom...It's my own fault. Sometimes I can procrastinate with the best of them. And then it all sort of catches up with me. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm just taking it easy today to give these old arthritic bones a rest. I would like to believe I still have the strength and stamina I did at 30, but my body always yells at me, telling me that in reality I am 70, so slow down, fool, before you do yourself a mischief!
By the way, I laughed when I saw your girls hiding out from Charlie. It just tickles me how he struts about, all important like, while they are in the bin, giggling at him. :)
Charlie is like the emperor with no clothes! Can just picture him with a gold crown on his head! LOL! :o)
ReplyDeleteChickenmom...Now that's funny! There's just something about that rooster that makes me laugh. Attitude maybe? Personality definitely! :) Sometimes he gets himself all wound up and then the girls say, "Yeah, whatever."