my modem went belly-up. Just flat quit working. My internet service provider is my phone company, and I rent the modem, so I called them and told them their modem had died. We played "jump through the hoops" for a while before they decided I was right. The new modem arrived today.
I spent some time today on the phone with their tech support - a nice lady with a sense of humor from Nebraska - and got it sort of working. She seems to think part of the problem is within my phone line. A repairman will be here Friday, and because she thinks the problem is in the lines entering the building and not within my apartment, I will pay nothing for that service. Seems kind of funny, though, that I am now using the internet. It will work only when the Ethernet cord is attached and I have no WiFi, but I can live with that until it is all straightened out. I was going through withdrawal, I tell ya. It wasn't pretty!
So posting may be a bit more sporadic than usual until I get the kinks worked out. And now if you will excuse me, I have some serious internet surfing to do while everything is still working. :)
Opus 2025-147: Three Cheers for Al
1 hour ago
Surf away! - lol
ReplyDeleteThe slowest internet we have had is the phone company. We now have cable internet works faster, not that at our age we need fast, but the youngest son like's his gaming so he pays for it. We tried satellite but it was almost as bad as the phone company.
ReplyDeleteRob...I haven't really had any problems over the years with the phone company internet. I have gone through three or four modems, and they have replaced each of them. I suppose if I cared about speed it might make a difference, but over all, I am satisfied with the service.
ReplyDeleteNice to see your post and know it was just a 'techie' issue with your internet connection. I get my internet service from my cable provider. But I get the slowest service, and 'lowest' cost, they offer. They try to up sell me, but I'm quite content with the slowest speed.
ReplyDeleteMonday, my power went off due to a snow storm. It was off about 5 hours and, at first I was going through internet withdrawal as well. Too funny, really. Then I pulled out some of my camping gear and had enough light to read a book. Yea! More snow is predicted tonight, tomorrow and next week. Unusual for us but there you go.
Stay safe and warm. SJ in Vancouver BC
SJ...This internet service isn't too bad. Probably would be too slow if I was into games, but I'm not. I think I keep it with my phone company mostly for the convenience. One bill - one check - done.
ReplyDeleteGlad you made it through the storm ok - doesn't surprise me. I know you are prepared for pretty much anything that comes along. I am hearing nasty rumors here about a storm headed our way. There have been a few flakes in the air all day today, but the weekend looks iffy. OK by me. I've got a canning marathon going on, so I hope the electric stays on. I don't think it will amount to much. If it were more than a few inches of snow, the weather people would be talking about "the storm of the century." :)
Our storm fizzled, according to the breakfast newscast. However, it's been snowing since I got up, so we'll see what happens. I'm tucked in for the day in any case. Too scary for me yesterday with all the ice that was on the roads. I'm going to make a stew in my crockpot and have a very yummy dinner.
ReplyDeleteSo, if I may ask, what are you canning? More meat/broth? Just curious. cheers, SJ
I have the same sort of problems here Vicki. My internet takes every opportunity to fail, but it's not the equipment, it's the whole system up here. I don't even get mad about it anymore.
ReplyDeleteSJ...There is nothing here for snow so far, but our little storm isn't supposed to arrive until maybe tomorrow. The weather can do what it pleases - I don't have to leave the house until Tuesday, and then I don't have to drive. People around here seem to forget over the summer how to drive on ice and snow. Sometimes I listen to the scanner when the roads are bad. The ditches are usually full of cars. The tow truck folks are happy!!
ReplyDeleteToday I'm canning chicken vegetable soup. Chicken thighs were on sale. I have 16 pints in the pressure canner and another 16 waiting to go in. There is a little chicken left and some veggies. I may can the rest of the chicken in half pints for sandwiches and run the leftover veggies through as well. I still have three decent sized boneless chuck roast in the fridge to do tomorrow. I'll probably just cube those - lots of uses for cubed beef.
Harry...The repair guy just left here and the problem was in the old modem. He got everything squared away for me so with any luck at all, I am up and running again. I have had the same internet provider for at least 15 years and any problems have been within the equipment. It isn't the fastest internet on the planet, but it works well for me.
ReplyDeleteSlow and steady is my operating speed as well. So our snow storm yesterday actually brought about 10 inches. Added to what we had Monday and we're up to about a foot. Not much by mid-West standards, but lots for us here. And crazy drivers for sure!
ReplyDeleteThanks for answering my question about your canning project. I know I'll get to pressure canning one of these days. It just never seems to make it to the top of my to-do list. But it's fun for me to hear about your projects. Cheers, SJ
Good Grief, SJ...You have more snow than we do! Most of what we got earlier had melted. But it has been snowing a little bit off and on today, with maybe an inch or two on the ground. So it is wait and see what happens.
ReplyDeleteI don't mind answering questions - not at all. It is nice to know there are those who are interested in what I am doing. Pressure canning isn't for everyone, but for me, it is the best way to keep a very deep pantry. And it is kind of a way of life for me. I've been canning, off and on, for nearly 60 years. My parents and grandparents canned in order to feed their families over the long winter months. And it is something I like to do - that helps. :)