Have been a bit off kilter lately. Think it likely is due to getting used to the oxygen, the nebulizer three times a day and a new prescription - all at once.
I will be back when I get these ducks all in a row.
Not bad
45 minutes ago
I was beginning to wonder about you. You take good care of yourself!
ReplyDeleteGorges...I am just taking time to get into a routine and make sure the new meds are working properly. Shouldn't have started all three at one time, I guess. I hear hindsight is always 2020. :)
DeleteVicki, I know getting out is difficult for you, can the Doc send a RN to draw blood to make sure your levels are ok with the new additions to your regimen...
Red...I believe the nurse who comes in twice a week to care for my legs can also draw blood. The clinic is just a few blocks away, so dropping it off there is no problem. I appreciate your suggestion. Thank you.
Deletewait, what?? I missed something. Get better soon young lady. Your family still needs you around and so do we.
ReplyDeleteAw...thanks, Rob...I don't plan to go anywhere anytime soon. It is just that these days it takes a bit more maintenance to stick around as the thorn in the side of those near and dear to me. :)
DeleteI'm the same way - last August I started about 6 new supplements all at once. Needless to say, I didn't do well. Take good care.
ReplyDeleteBTW, my asparagus is really coming on. I'm getting a serving or two everyother day. Yum. Also, my seeds for brocolli raab and beets have sprouted. Yea.
Cheers, SJ
SJ...Some things are easier to deal with than others, and this whole new lifestyle change is a bit daunting. I think I just need time to adjust and get it all sorted out. I can't seem to concentrate on writing at the moment.
DeleteI tried your method of cooking asparagus and the result was wonderful. I cooked mine a bit longer than you did as I like mine less crunchy. Sounds like you have a good start on the garden this year!
My heart goes out to you Vicki. I know how hard changes in our health can be. Both physically and emotionally. At least that's been my story the last 7 years with my health. If I could share - be kind to yourself and listen to your body. Days when I'm feeling the worst, I'm cranky and/or teary and that's just he new normal. I don't have to like it, it just is. Putting my soap box away....
DeleteGlad you liked the cooking method for asparagus. Like I said earlier it was a game changer for me.
I had a good day today and spent time in all my gardens...all told I was out of the apartment about 2hours. Twice what I normally can do. Many of my seeds have sprouted and I have flowers on my strawberry plants starting. The sun is shining, not a cloud in the sky for the moment and a gentle breeze. In other words, a perfect spring day.
Take good care of yourself...sending hugs your way.
SJ...You can drag that soapbox of yours out any time! I have to admit that I am not handling this round of health issues very well. I hate having a machine the size of R2D2 in my bedroom and I hate even more being tethered to it by what seems like a half mile of plastic tubing. And I hate having two plastic prongs up my nose 24/7. And we won't even discuss the three time daily nebulizer use or the new prescription for a fluid pill. My friend, you have made all of these insults to my body a bit more bearable with your kind words. I have been trying to tough it out and not succeeding very well. It is like you have given me permission to be cranky sometimes and to shed tears when necessary. It is so good to know that someone else knows about cranky and teary. I think it takes someone going through their own health issues to really understand what it is like. And you are right - I don't have to like it, it just is. Bless you.
DeleteSo glad you had a good day of gardening. We have been having near summer weather here, finally. I had several windows open today and the breeze flowing through my apartment was wonderful.
A hug was exactly what I needed today. Sending hugs right back your way. :)
Here to help, that's my motto. One of my doctors early on told me it was 'just my body, not me' that was sick. Some how that helped and I try to remember her words.
DeleteI had a houseguest one time who had a machine like you described. Our bedroom was downstairs and diagonnally across from the 'guest' room and we could hear the drone all night long from the machine. Fortunately, the machine was a rental and the delivery guy brought it in and out of the house. And, yes, I can still see all the hoses.
On line, I don't often talk about my crying jags when I'm overly tired and just very sad about my health. But it happens.
Thanks for your hugs as well. I had my own round of doctor appointments today and labs tomorrow. Maintenance!! And, truthfully, to check out something that turned out to be no big deal, just another annoyance.
Sunny day here. Mr. Dog loved his walk and is asleep on the vinyl floor to keep cool. Our 'heat' wave is ramping up to the mid70s.
Cheers, SJ
SJ...I like the quote from your doctor. It helps to think of this in those terms. I am still me. It is just my body that is falling apart.
DeleteYou know what these oxygen machines are like then. If I didn't hate this whole thing so much the sound of it probably wouldn't bother me. :)
It is being tethered to it by a hose that is irritating. I suppose I can live with it for it seems to be helping. The shortness of breath happens less and less.
I don't often go on a crying jag, but now and then it happens. Sometimes it is when going through old family photos and I realize that all the elders are gone and I miss them. Otherwise I rarely cry except when I am overwhelmed as I have been lately, what with all the medical crap going on. I think I am over that now. I concentrate on other things and that helps.
We had a bit of rain here and our temps are on the same level as yours. Things are greening up. Maybe I will see lilacs after all.