After spending way too much time wallowing about in a puddle of self pity, it is time to get back to the land of the living. True, this round of medical stuff kind of reached out and slapped me upside the head. And I still am struggling to get it all together, but that is no reason to just check out. It is what it is. It isn't going away. I still don't like it, but I need to learn to live with it. So onward and upward.
There have been changes. Some time back Duane and I had talked about moving one of my shelving units and my freezer to his apartment, replacing the freezer space with another shelving unit to hold the canning overflow and most of my smaller kitchen appliances. After thinking about it we decided to leave things the way they were and he ordered shelving from Amazon, to be delivered, since the box the unit came in would not fit in his car. Since my chest freezer is still in my kitchen, I decided to make up some freezer meals that can either be microwaved or cooked in my crock pot. Last evening I went through my recipes, writing those I wish to use in a notebook. This way I can cook for a day or two and have suppers for a month. Between the freezer meals and my home canned food, meal preparation should be easier for me.
Yesterday was a beautiful spring day. The sun was shining and the air was at about 70 degrees. Barb, my cleaning lady, showed up yesterday at her usual mid-afternoon time. Within a few minutes she came to me to tell me we didn't have any running water. Sure enough. Just air coming from the taps. Now I have water stored in bottles, but I didn't think it was right to expect her to heat water for cleaning. So I told her to go enjoy the day. Like most janitorial services, she is paid for x number of hours per job. If she finishes after the time limit, the extra time is on her dime. But if she finishes before, she is paid for the number of hours. She must have thanked me half a dozen times before going back out into the sunshine. Made me smile.
Last week, knowing that I was less than happy, Duane showed up one evening with surprises. Included were two bags of deli pastrami, which I love, two large boxes of popsicles and two bags of Hershey's Kisses - one with (be still my heart) a caramel filling. I have been known to call him and ask if he has anything chocolate in his apartment. He said now I won't have to call because I have my very own chocolate. :)
Youngest son, David, showed up last week. He had an app on his iPad he wanted to show me. It isn't like a video, but more like an overview line drawing of a baseball field. It shows, by name, where each player is on the field. It shows every move each player makes. It shows whether each pitch is a ball or strike or hit. And it shows the actions of each player. David is scorekeeper for his son Jacob's baseball games so this app is easier for him to use as opposed to keeping track watching the actual field. And I can use it to see how my grandson does at each game. He is a pitcher. How cool is that.
So that's what has been going on in my little corner of the world. I just finished washing up a couple days worth of dirty dishes and am ready to start a load of laundry. After that it will be recliner time with my Kindle. Hope you are all well and enjoying a wonderful spring day.
Not bad
5 hours ago
It's not "spring" that anyone from the Lower 48 would recognize, with a high of only 44 today, but the snow is gone, and there are buds on the birch trees. So something positive to focus on.
ReplyDeleteRev. Paul...A couple of weeks ago 44 degrees was only a hopeful dream. I'm glad spring is coming your way even if it is at a slower pace then here. :)
DeleteThe chocolate sounds yummy. Must remember to look for the caramel kind when I go shopping next time.
ReplyDeleteAny chance you'd be up to a blog post on your freezer meal plan? I'm always in need of new ideas it seems as I get into the same rut for my meals.
I wrote more as a reply to the last email.
Cheers, SJ
SJ...The caramel filled ones are heavenly. I had to hide the bag at the other end of the apartment so I didn't eat them all at once!
DeleteI found the comment and just wrote an answer.
I will do a post on the freezer meals - probably next week. I am still fiddling with it, deciding how to do it and getting my grocery order ready. I think this might just work well for me.
I bought the M&Ms yesterday and the bag is almost gone!!! LOL
Woo Hoo!!! Girl after my own heart. :)
DeleteWe're having August weather here at the moment, but it should return to normal soon. Incidentally, just a reminder, don't be smoking your hookah while you're wearing oxygen.
ReplyDeleteGorges...We are having delayed Spring weather and it is most welcome! I promise not to smoke my hookah while wearing oxygen. (I wouldn't know what a hookah was if it bit me on the ankle.) I can't cook wearing the oxygen. Gas stove. Probably better not blow up the building. :)
DeleteLOL - Vicki, a hookah is an arab water pipe used for smoking tobacco........or hashish.
DeleteGorges...Funny I didn't learn that as a teen in the 60's. Guess I was too busy working to be much of a hippie. :)
Deletedo not over do it...Please. Glad your feeling better. us "more experienced" folks find it hard to depend on others. My kids can read me like a book. enjoy summer. Spring was canceled due to lack of interest.
ReplyDeleteRob...I am behaving myself and taking things easy. With the home nursing care and the once a week cleaning lady, there is precious little that I have to do. Life is good.
DeleteIt is hard to have to depend on others for things we once could do, but sometimes there is no choice. It is admitting we need help that is the tough part.
I turned off the heat in the apartment and opened some windows. I am loving this weather!!
It was 83 here today, ac weather from now on. Double the chocolate sounds great. I just found out all the wiring that makes my heart beat on the right side of my heart has failed, just shorted out. I can do less now than before. I am glad you got over your funk. It will get warm there very soon, I suspect.
ReplyDeleteLinda...We haven't made it up into the 80's just yet, but after all the snow, we sure are enjoying the temps in the 70's!!
DeleteI'm so sorry to hear about the problems with your heart. Don't you just wish we had magic wands that we could wave and make it all go away? Consider yourself hugged.
From the last post --- I often wake up in the middle of the night fighting the hose to my CPAP machine. So,I'm fighting hoses, but only part time.
ReplyDeleteI managed to not finish off the M&Ms last night. Wow, are those caramel ones tasty.
We're having another beautiful spring day here -- sun, no clouds and temps in the 70s. Off to water the garden and walk the dog.
Hugs, SJ
SJ...So far I am lucky that the tube doesn't bother me at night. Trying not to step on it or get it hung up on something during the day is a challenge! Though by far not an idea situation, it is getting better each day.
DeleteCaramel M&Ms are high on my list of favorites. Here is another temptation for you - caramel filled Hershey's Kisses. To die for. :)
We had a small storm go through last evening, complete with lightning and thunder. Was so much better than wind and snow! Enjoy your garden and walk.