I have never liked swearing. I'm not a prude. I just don't like it. Probably comes from my Baptist upbringing and the fact that my Mother was extremely religious. I'm sure that my children use four letter words from time to time. But they have enough respect not to use them within earshot of their Mother.
Anyway, Youngest Son was telling me about his daughters. One of them wasn't pleased with something her sister did. And she let her know about it by dropping an F-bomb to express her displeasure. What she didn't take into consideration was the fact that her Daddy was within hearing distance. And he heard.
The girl has spent a considerable amount of time with a pencil and paper, writing "I will not swear at my sister." 500 times. And when she has finished all 500 sentences, she can have her cell phone back.
Does my heart good to know that in some families, actions still have consequences.
Maybe a Compromise is Necessary
3 hours ago
Soap and water was the punishment in my childhood. You never forget that - nor the taste ;)
ReplyDeleteDani...The taste of soap will linger a long time. However, for this particular child, I think the consequences worked quite well. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to see that some folks still parent!
ReplyDeleteGorges...My son and daughter-in-law are raising my grandchildren with equal amounts of love and discipline. As a result, I have some pretty good grandkids who will test the boundaries now and then only to learn just how far they can go. :)
ReplyDeleteVicki, have a good Thanksgiving and stay warm! PS If you ever want to thaw out I am in Arizona...:-)
ReplyDeleteJMD...Thank you and I wish you a lovely Thanksgiving as well. Arizona looks awfully tempting to a Minnesotan, especially about February, but I guess I just wouldn't be happy anywhere but close to my family. They are what I am most thankful for!
ReplyDeleteMom, I'm thinking that if the f-bomb comes out of her mouth again while I'm in earshot, a bar of soap in the mouth should do the trick. The only problem is I don't have any bar soap. I'll have to get some the next trip to the grocery store.
David.....I'm thinking she is way too smart to get caught using those words again. Like her Daddy and aunts and uncle, she likely will use those words when she is with her peers, but I'd be surprised if you ever hear her again. But just in case, buy the bar of soap! You have two more who may wish to test their vocabulary!
ReplyDeleteLove, Grandma of kids testing boundaries