I'm tired. I'm tired of hearing politicians pass out the blame but take no responsibility themselves. I'm tired of listening to the Democrats bad mouth Republicans and Republicans responding in kind. I'm tired of bickering. I'm tired of the constant struggle to get one up on the opposing party. I'm tired of the name calling. I'm tired of the lies.
If my children, when they were young, had acted like our congress and leaders act, I'd have blistered their bottoms and sent them to bed without supper.
For God's sake. Grow up. Take a look at what is really wrong with this country.
And then fix it.
That's what we pay you for.
Maybe a Compromise is Necessary
3 hours ago
My thoughts, exactly. In fact, I sent an email to my rep in congress yesterday with that exact tone of voice and just about the same message.
ReplyDeleteTewshooz...Today every where I looked, folks were either up in arms or praising the amnesty executive order. And now it seems that everyone is waiting for Ferguson to explode. We have a Constitution. We have laws on the books. It is about time to stop playing silly-assed games and pay attention to the Constitution, see to it that those who break the law are dealt with (Why in the bloody hell are we negotiating with protesters in the first place?) and get our country back where it should be.
ReplyDeleteWell what would you recommend? If you scream at Republicans to stop bickering they begin compromising and we get the mess we are in over and over. If you scream at the Femocrats to stop fighting they take that as a mandate that they shouldn't have to compromise and we get the mess we are in.
ReplyDeleteTruth is we do have a Constitution but at this point if you really want someone to start enforcing it then there is going to be blood. There are no options left. Once the bickering stops the real fighting is going to start.
Pioneer Preppy...I have no recommendations. I have no answers. I'm not at all sure that anything can be salvaged at this point. I'm just so tired of watching those who are supposed to be in charge acting like spoiled children.
ReplyDeleteAfter last night..Im beginning to wonder who actually is
ReplyDeletein charge. I wonder if he has lost all interest in the game and is being forced to take action after all the 25 times he said he couldn't do it? Why the rush to push this through? He had all this time to do it and now he says it was an emergency. I don't think he remembers from one day to next what he has said. I almost fell off my chair when he started to quote the Bible. Im all for helping people but Im not going to aid and abet people that have come into this country illegally breaking the law. The people that are here aren't all NICE people they have brought their gang bangin kids with them. It is really a tragedy that we have to stand by and watch this insanity go one and pay for it.
Vicki Green...I think one of the biggest problems is that politicians consider this a game instead of real life. They don't care how their decisions affect the common folks, as long as they can score points and win their game. And in another week or so, this latest attack on the Constitution will be forgotten as we move on to the next crisis. I think it is this continuing series of crisis that is wearing me down. And most of them are manufactured in order to keep the population in constant turmoil. What is wrong with just living our lives in peace?
ReplyDeleteI am beyond disgusted and jaded with our entire system. Corrupt to the core. It seems that it is beyond difficult to vote a long time politican out of office. Sigh. I am going to the kitchen to bake a pie and relieve my frustration. :-D
ReplyDeleteJMD...Oooh! Pie! Geez but that sounds good.
ReplyDeleteI think many of us are feeling the same frustrations. Me...I just want to live a peaceful life without all of the drama. Sometimes I really envy those who are still asleep - those who only care about the next "Dancing With the Stars." Life must be incredibly serene for them. There are days when I would rather not know just how corrupt our government is and how far we have fallen.
I hear you Vicki! Ok, I have an apple pie in the oven and the husband is pacing waiting for it! lol Probably be gone before evening.