to make a big pot of chicken soup or...
to bake chocolate chip cookies or...
to curl up in a recliner with a good book, a mug of hot chocolate (with marshmallows) and a green fuzzy blanket or...
to spend the afternoon sewing little pieces of fabric together for a quilt top.
It began snowing late last evening, dropping a couple of inches of heavy, wet snow. South and west of us got enough to warrant either delaying school opening times or closing schools altogether for the day. There are still some flakes floating down, but that should end by this evening.
The soup is already simmering in the crockpot. I don't follow a recipe. This time I tossed in a quart of chicken broth, a pint of canned chicken and some dehydrated vegetables - potato cubes, carrots, cabbage and onions. I usually add a little chicken bouillon for flavor. I'm thinking some cornbread would taste good with the soup for supper.
I don't know how much of my list will get done today. That is one of the nice things about being retired and living alone. I can do what I want when I want. Right now I think my sewing machine is calling my name. When I get enough quilt blocks together to give an idea of what the finished quilt will look like, I will post a picture.
I wonder what it is about falling snow that makes a person want to bake cookies and sew a quilt. Whatever it is, it makes for a pleasant day in my neighborhood.
Opus 2025-146: Dark thoughts: Maybe
6 hours ago
Chicken soup and chocolate cake? I think that's considered food porn.
ReplyDeleteOur snow is done, light enough to make it look nice, and driving not so great. Some day my family will drive me nuts enough I may run away to shakopee to visit my family and others.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you have plans for a nice cozy day.
ReplyDeleteThe snow has almost melted here and none in the forecast. We're back to our normal temps for this time of year. Yea!
I'm settled in for the day. Will most likely read my book but who knows, I might get inspired to swipe the floors with the vacuum. ha!
Cheers, SJ in Vancouver BC
Vicki, enjoy your day to the fullest! It sounds like you have everything you need to do just that. I am also retired and think of snowy days as days to settle in for the little enjoyable things in life...reading a good book, working on a jigsaw puzzle, baking, etc. I love putting on a pot of homemade soup filled with dehydrated or frozen garden produce along with home raised and canned meat of choice. It soothes my soul. We have about 7 inches of the wet, white stuff on the ground and it's still coming down. It makes for a beautiful and peaceful day.CW from Iowa
ReplyDeleteJess...That's funny! I think I can sneak past the censors because no pictures were posted. Might have to add a trigger warning for the snowflakes, though. :)
ReplyDeleteRob...The snow has already melted off the streets here. I would think that your little town would be a lot more peaceful than mine. But then I would likely consider running away too, if I still had all the turmoil and drama I had when my kids still lived at home. :)
ReplyDeleteSJ...Glad to hear that Mother Nature has stopped throwing hissy fits in your neck of the woods. It is staying in the 30's here which is unusual for this time of year. No complaints, however. Could be minus digits just as easily.
ReplyDeleteI should know better than to make plans, for I do get sidetracked easily, which is fodder for another post. Sometimes I think I have the attention span of a gnat. :)
CW...I absolutely love the freedom of retirement, especially on cold, snowy days. Knowing that I don't need to make a grocery store run whenever the flakes start to fall is well worth the time and effort it takes to prep. I like your notion that homemade soup is good or the soul. I wonder if homemade chili has the same effect because that's what is on the menu for tomorrow. :)
ReplyDeleteHere just SW of Minneapolis, we got just a couple of inches of snow. I think we were on kind of the northern boundary of this mini storm. I saw that southern Minnesota and Iowa were getting hit harder than we were. Sounds like you are having as nice a snow day as I am.