I want to know why in New York it is alright to murder a baby up to one day away from its birth. In many states, if a pregnant woman is murdered, the killer is charged with two counts of murder - one for the mother and one for the unborn child. But yet it is now legal to end the life of the unborn for any reason or no reason at all. And for the love of God, why are women in particular, cheering the right to kill their offspring.
I want to know why a red cap with the words 'Make America Great Again' on it is considered in many circles to be the equivalent of a white hood. Why is this cap such a threat to the left. I thought every American wished for our beloved country to be great. Now it seems to be a reason for the media to work itself into a frenzy over a school boy whose only sin was attending a religious school, having light skin, standing his ground and wearing a red cap.
I want to know why my sons should apologize for being men. As far as I know, neither are 'toxic.' Both have a work ethic second to none. They take care of themselves without the help of our nanny government. They protect and defend family, whether it is their own wife and children or whether it is their mother and siblings. They both have strong religious convictions and believe in the power of prayer. Their sin is being male and white. How having faith, showing respect for elders and peers and protecting their own equals 'toxic masculinity' is beyond me.
I want to know why protecting our borders is 'immoral.' I want someone to explain to me why 'our betters' feel it is quite alright for them to live behind the protection of gated communities and walls, but it is wrong for my home to have the same protection on our borders. And while we are at it, why is it a good idea to protect illegal alien criminals in sanctuary cities and states. Might as well hang a big sign over your front door - "Come on in. Steal everything I worked hard to obtain. Rape my daughter. Shoot my son. You will be set free to do it all again."
I'm done. Thoughts?
Opus 2025-147: Three Cheers for Al
1 hour ago
Everybody I know and everybody I talk to feels just like you do. Okay, let's put that in perspective.
ReplyDeleteI live in rural Oklahoma, know the postmistress at the post office by first and last name. I know the UPS driver by first name and know his 3 sons by name. The biggest town I go to, and that's about once every 6 months, has about 40,000 people.
The vast majority of my neighbors, I know their kids by name. Not all, but most.
Everybody I know feels the same way you do. But remember, we are those deplorable, gun carrying, Bible toting, hicks.
Great article.
Thank you, Frank...Here is the view from my perspective: Most of the people in the northern part of my state are those deplorable, gun carrying, Bible toting hicks. I love those folks. They will help when needed without being asked. They are the salt of the earth types. Everyone knows everyone.
DeleteOn the other hand, here where I live in the burbs near a major city, I know a few people by sight and fewer still by name. Most think anyone with my point of view is a racist or a nazi. God forbid I should support our president.
I may voice my opinions here on this blog, but I keep a low profile where I live. Here our legislature is working hard at more gun control laws. The welcome mat is out for any and all illegals, no matter how much chaos some of them cause.
One reason I keep this blog going is that it is good to stay in touch with like-minded people. I am so glad you and Fern are back!
Without the Bible, there is no moral compass and anything goes. That's my take on just about everything these days.
ReplyDeleteFrank - nice to see you post. Hope all is well with you and Fern.
Cheers, SJ
SJ...You are right. Things really began to slide downhill at an alarming rate about the time Christmas became a 'Winter Holiday,' Nativity scenes were banished from the public square and the Ten Commandments became offensive.
DeleteThere is no logical explanation for those things, Vicki, until we can explain why most of the human race chooses to go to hell, when going to heaven is just as easy, and much more desirable.
ReplyDeleteNothing makes much sense any more, Gorges. Except what we both know to be true.
DeleteI gave up trying to make heads or tails out of any of this crap. Better to have my head buried in the sand, or black dirt.
ReplyDeleteYou still have a window missing?? I would have come over during the weekend and finished the job
Rob...Sometimes I am glad I won't live long enough to see how this all plays out. It is my kids and grands that will have to deal with it all, and that hurts me to think about.
DeleteThe crew put a sheet of plywood on the outside and another on the inside and filled in between full of insulation. So far my apartment is staying warm. I appreciate the thought, but you would have run into the same problem as the work crew did - no permit, no work. They will finish the job if it ever warms up.
Vicki, one cannot have a conversation based on logic with a person who thinks illogically. By now, so many people are brainwashed into thinking like their co-workers or the lame stream media, that it is impossible to set things right again. The train has run off the track, and I highly doubt we will avoid a crash.
ReplyDeleteIt is so important to continue praying and preparing for whatever calamity occurs. Every Sunday I write out a list of goals that I hope to accomplish the following week. They are goals related to my preparations for difficult times. My son helps me complete many of them as he also understands we are facing dark times. If nothing else, it keeps me busy and I feel more useful. I stay to myself and avoid social activities since most seem quite unimportant in the big scheme of things. I just don't find much joy in being around people who try to project their liberal political bias on me or others.
I think that is why your blog means so much to people like me. We have a place to share our concerns with people who have similar beliefs. We respect one another's opinions and are able to learn from one another. Like you and many others who have posted comments, I was overjoyed to see the return of Frank and Fern. I hope we didn't overwhelm them with replies to their post. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. Keep posting! I look forward to each and every one. CW
CW...I, too, find it difficult to understand the lack of common sense these days. It is like everything is upside down and backward. The amount of evil showing itself now is astounding. You are right. We are totally off the rails and seem to be headed for a train wreck.
DeleteI sure do agree with you with the pray and prepare thing. I should follow your lead with making a weekly list, but I'm afraid I am not quite as well organized. That may have to change. It is good your son gets it and helps you. My sons get it, too and have been a great help to me. My daughters, not so much. I think they think nothing bad will ever happen.
Even when I was able to be out and about, social gatherings, unless it was family, have never appealed to me. There are too many rabid Trump haters running loose now and I just don't feel the need to deal with all of that. My time is better spent doing what I need to do to keep my family safe and fed, no matter what happens.
I am delighted to see Frank and Fern back blogging. They are down to earth common sense folks and they make me think outside the box.
I am always pleased to see a comment from you. I keep on with this silly little blog mostly because of comments from like minded folks. In my real life, those people are few and far between. Sometimes I have lots to say and sometimes, not so much. So thank you for sticking with me and please keep on telling your truth here whenever you like.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Cindy. Sometimes a person (namely me) needs to rant to keep their head from exploding. :)
DeleteI too cannot understand the thinking of our politicians. There is a scary trend - anti-life, anti-religion and then they wonder why there are mass shootings and road rage. I'm truly scared for my country. We have a chance for our survival as a nation, but the "establishment" politicians won't lift a finger to support out President who is trying so hard to save us.
ReplyDeleteCathy...Seems to me that if everything we hold dear is taken away and morals mean nothing any more, a giant train wreck is bound to be the result. I fear that is where we are headed. I think there are still many who are ticked off that Hillary lost. That and the fact that Trump is actually interested in doing good for America. The rest are interested only in power. Pray and prep.
DeleteYou voiced every question I also have. I don't see how wanting America to be great again is racist. It has nothing to do with whites. I want everyone in this country to be great and have opportunities to do better. But because I support Trump and am a Republican, I am racist, hick, homophobic, etc. Good grief...one of my best friends and neighbor growing up was black. My real estate agent (that I have used 3 times now and consider a friend) is gay and married to a man. One of my most favorite people in the world (and a dept mgr where I work is a lesbian). Still trying to figure out how I am racist and homophobic. I agree with Vicki - pray and prep!
ReplyDeleteOne Family...I don't think it has anything to do with being racist or homophobic or any of the other phobias that are tossed about as accusations these days. It has to do with the fact that Trump won. That threw a monkey wrench right in the middle of the well laid plans of the elite. Makes it a bit tougher to promote their socialist ideals when the president is more concerned about the safety and security of the people. Makes it tough to sell their evil to a God fearing president. Makes it tough for special interest groups to bribe a president who has nearly as much money as God. And it really makes it tough to deal with a president who fights back.
DeleteYou are not racist or homophobic any more than I am. What we are are the 'deplorables' of Middle America. The ones this president is fighting to save. So yeah...pray. Pray for the man. Pray for his family. The elites will continue to throw everything they can at him, including the kitchen sink. And pray for us. We need wisdom and strength. And keep on prepping. We may very well need all of it and then some.
Because they hate you, Mom. Some of them actually would love to kill you, your family - and take your stuff. Because so many have ruined their lives divorce, homosexuality, and rabid feminism - and they need somebody to blame for their misery.
ReplyDeleteAnd from what I see, Glen, they will blame anyone who is good, who has a belief system rooted in the Word of God, anyone who shuns evil. Never, in all my 72 years, have I seen such hatred abound. Not in the Civil Rights fight of the 60's. Not in the Vietnam War protests. Not in the Watergate era. Pure Evil is all around us. And I don't know how to stop it. All I can do, in my own little platform, is tell it like I see it. And thank God every single day that there are still folks like my faithful readers who still believe in doing what is right.