So this morning the window crew of two showed up and moved furniture, hauled out the old blinds and screens and transferred some odds and ends to my bedroom. Then they went out to work on the outside of the building. About ten minutes later one of the guys came back in and said, "We took a company vote and if it is alright with you, we will be back on Monday when it might be warmer."
I can't fault them for postponing work in hopes of warmer weather. It is cold out there today. Last I looked, it was 9 degrees F. with a wind chill factor of 1 degree. That is almost guaranteed frostbite.
They offered to put things back in place in my living room, but they didn't move stuff enough to bother. The forecast for Monday and Tuesday is for temps in the 20's, not ideal for outdoor work but better than today. By Tuesday they should be busy moving old windows and installing new ones.
My cleaning lady comes in Tuesday morning. I hope she doesn't cry easily. :)
Opus 2025-134: Reasons for Election
3 hours ago
Vicki, your attitude and willingness to roll with the punches will make the project much easier. I think the newer, larger windows will be great. I am anxious to see the end results. Have a nice "quiet" weekend. I think I am smelling a nice soup or stew in your near future...Take care, CW
ReplyDeleteCW...No point getting all riled up about things over which we have no control. I'm glad the guys didn't try to work today, for it started snowing about noon and looks like 3 or 4 inches on the ground now. The wind chill dropped to -6 degrees. Better to wait. I think I will like the longer windows. I go for the old-fashioned look.
DeleteEither your 'sniffer' is working really well or you are getting to know me. :)
I set out some of my dehydrated vegetables, a quart of chicken broth and a pint of chicken to go in the crock pot in the morning. I'm thinking maybe cornbread to go with the soup.
A quiet weekend is in store. My daughter just brought me the yarn I need to finish Maddie Mae's afghan, so I will be working on that. I found some more audio books that I downloaded, so crochet and mysteries it is. Love it. :)
Very wise people. WAY to cold to do much. I have a can of coffee, creamer. zero cal sweeter, bread peanut butter I'm good. Oh the family who cares I'm ready. If they didn't prep not my fault. Oh my coffee maker too.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you've got it covered, my friend! Coffee is what gets me through the cold winter days. That and maybe chocolate. :)
DeleteI bet you'll love the new windows too. We put new windows and doors in our house - done in two stages. It was amazing how much warmer and quieter the house was with the new windows.
ReplyDeleteI'm getting a hint of how fascinating geneology can be. My first cousins and I have been emailing all week about our family. I found a handwritten journal from my aunt that kept my attention one morning - four hours gone in a blink.
So what are you listening to? Have fun with that yarn.
SJ...I'm sure the new window will be an improvement. I can feel the cold air seeping in around the existing ones.
DeleteYou found an absolute treasure in the journal. I have found that almost anything handwritten by earlier relatives to be pure gold. I have transcripts of 65 letters written between my grandfather, his siblings and his parents. They give a fascinating view of life between the dates 1893 and 1915. I have lost myself in them for many, many hours!
Lately I have been into music. There must be some Irish heritage in my background, for the music of a group called 'Celtic Thunder,' who have a traveling stage show, have kept me entertained with their videos. With a little old fashioned Bluegrass tossed in. Today has been mostly spent tidying things up a bit with plans to crochet this evening and tomorrow. Or not. We shall see what particular spirit moves me. :)
I love Celtic Thunder -- men in kilts. I do admit I like their older shows then the newest one. They are regulars on PBS here. I too have Irish in my background.
DeleteWow, those letters sound amazing. I have my Dad's journal from a trip he went on when he was 13, about 1933. That was fun reading.
Quiet day for me as well.
SJ...I wasn't too crazy about the show CT did where they were all dressed as gypsies or some such silliness, but I have enjoyed the rest. Good music with bonus eye candy (I may be old, but I'm not dead!). Have you seen the two who are still with CT, but also have their own group - Byrne & Kelly? I love their harmony. Reminds me a little of Simon and Garfunkel or the Everly Brothers.
ReplyDeleteThose letters and journals are priceless. They give such a good look into what life was like at the time. We hear so much about the Depression in the 30's. It must be fascinating to read about a trip taken then.
The letters I mentioned were from Mother's side of the family, but I found another one from my Dad's Mother to Dad written about the same time. She was visiting her oldest daughter near Grand Rapids, MN. She tells of being out in the woods picking blueberries when she walked up on a bear who was feasting on berries. She said she calmly turned around and walked back to the house. I can see her doing that. Not much surprised her after raising 9 kids. :)
It is -6 degrees F here today. Soup is in the crock pot. I may stir up some biscuits later to have with the soup. After a few days off from crocheting, I am back at it today. I really want to finish this afghan and it just won't finish itself. :)
Your cooking always sounds so yummy. And also gives me inspiration. I've got dinner cooked for tonight though - leftover baked chicken, rice and I'll cook up some veggies and make a salad.
DeleteTruth be told, my dad's family were quite wealthy during the depression. The family trip was because of a house fire Christmas Day 1933. Fortunately my grandparents had the means to rebuild but it took a while. My Dad remembers being out of school and traveling for 6 months - not a fond memory for him as a pre-teen.
Also truth - I changed the channel and didn't finish the last CT concert on TV. It got too weird for me and I missed the old music. Will look for this duo though, thanks for the suggestion.
Brr, your temps sound very cold. Hope your work guys survive the new week, or maybe they've put off the work again?
Take care --slow and steady wins the race for your afghan project.
SJ...I think my cooking skills for the next couple of days will be limited to opening jars and heating up the contents. The work guys came in this morning, ripped off the woodwork abound two of the old windows, covered things with tarps, hung plastic to contain dust when they start sawing, and that was it. Still too cold. Sadly, the plastic also seals off one of the two heat registers in my living room, leaving the room temp at 63 degrees rather than the usual comfortable 70 degrees. It is nippy. My green fuzzy blanket and I have become inseparable. :)
DeleteOne of my grandfathers had a regular job throughout the Depression. He was a depot agent for the railroad, plus the family kept a huge garden. The other grandfather farmed and had a couple of milk cows, one or two pigs and some chickens, as well as a garden. Even with that, cash was at a premium, so my Dad and his brothers rode freight trains west to find work in the Dakotas and Montana. But all were better off than the city folks who stood in bread lines and ate at soup kitchens.
I haven't seen a full CT thunder concert. My local PBS station doesn't list any of their shows. I watch their individual song videos on YouTube. And yes, some of their stuff is really good and some is questionable.
I am hoping for a heat wave, optimist that I am. I just want my apartment back. I was fussing to myself about all the stuff that had to be moved that is now stacked in my bedroom, when I realized that the cart I keep my dirty laundry in was buried behind a bench, many bottles of water, several boxes o' stuff and my large emergency oxygen tank that weighs to much for me to move. My plans to wash clothes evaporated. At this point it is either laugh or cry. Poured myself a cup of coffee, sat down at the kitchen table, and laughed. :)
Started a journal about a week ago not chronological but whatever occurs want to remember things my husband said if I can so daughter has some written word to read when she is old. My dad went from walking paths and dirt roads to thr space age God knows what our kids will see in their life times. I hope G od will have mercy on them and spare them the worst of what is to come.
ReplyDeletedeborah...What a really great idea! I wish someone had done something like that for me, or that I would have thought to do it myself. There are so many words and events having to do with my parents that have been lost due to the fading memories of their children. You have found one of the best gifts you could ever give your daughter.