So the crew of two brought along a third worker and they were going like a house afire. Right up to 10:00 this morning. When a City Official informed them they had to cease and desist. It seems they were lacking a permit.
They had just removed the second window and were getting ready to install the new one. Mr. Official wouldn't even let them put it in. The guys are now boarding up the opening and putting up as much insulation as they can. They can do no more work on the windows today.
They apologized like mad. They will put my furniture back where it belongs. They will dig my laundry basket out from behind a mountain of stuff in my bedroom so I can at least have clean knickers. There is no point in moving the rest of the stuff as it will all need to be moved again when they return.
Thing is...the temperature here will drop tonight into the 'way too cold to replace windows' range. And the prediction is for it to stay in the single digits for at least a week and maybe two. Most night time temps will be below zero. The wind is predicted to blow tonight and tomorrow up to 45 mph.
I would really like to know where Mr. Official was last week when the guys were replacing the windows in the apartment next door.
Your Government at it's finest.
I don't know why I am surprised!
Opus 2025-147: Three Cheers for Al
1 hour ago
Grrr ... nasty, petty bureaucrats.
ReplyDeleteYep. And if someone did the same thing to them - leave them with plywood instead of a window, they would be screaming bloody murder. I'm guessing Karma will come around and bite him in the butt, sooner or later. :)
Deleteoh geez! it's always something, isn't it? Hope it's resolved soon, but's the gov't....
ReplyDeleteOne Family...It will likely be a couple of weeks before it warms up enough to finish the job. Keeps life interesting!! :)
DeleteVicki, I love this country but I am darn sick and tired of the pesky power-hungry bureaucrats who lack ANY commonsense. This is an example of government gone too far! Maybe a call to your landlord is in order? I'll pray that the imbecile that put a halt to the project comes to his senses...his common sense certainly has flown right out the window! CWfromIowa
ReplyDeleteYou have to look at the big picture. No permit no money to city or county who ever. Now the land lord or contractor will have to buy a permit and or pay a fine. I'm sure Mr Official spends his days raising hell all over and finally caught up with them. They came so close to getting the job done before they got caught.
ReplyDeleteRob...I just wish Mr. Official had decided to throw his weight around before the crew tarted removing my windows.
DeleteRob, my understanding was that the city WANTED the landlord to return the building to a more original architectural appearance. Please correct me if I misunderstood. Now the city official has his underwear all twisted up in a bunch because the landlord didn't buy a permit? Something doesn't smell right, and the landlord is not to be punished for lack of permit if the city asked him to do it. Would someone try to help me make sense of this? Sorry Vicki, but I'm confused. Set me straight?
ReplyDeleteCW...The city did want the work done on the building. But apparently, permits are still required. The guys told me the cost of permits is so high that most try to do the work without them, at least on small jobs like this one. If I understand it correctly, the contractor was responsible for getting the permit.
DeleteWhen I asked about the bureaucrat who shut them down they said he was a pompous little ass who enjoyed his job.
Sorry to hear of all the problems this project has stirred up. Hopefully you can stay warm and cozy with the space heater.
ReplyDeleteI haven't posted the last few days because I have caught the geneology bug. It started last week with emails flying among me and my cousins. Time has gotten away from me the last three days as I'm searching the web.
Stay safe and warm -- and a pan of fudge sounds like the perfect thing.
SJ...If life went according to plan I would be astonished! The guys put plywood both inside and outside with thick insulation between, so I should be just fine.
DeleteWhen the genealogy bug bites, it bites hard, doesn't it. I have been known to lose days looking over old census records and other records for a glimpse into the lives of ancestors. Happy hunting!!
And yes - fudge fixes lots of things, or at least brings them into proper perspective. :)
About the research...oh,'s a time sink. And I really have to quit saying "I'll just look up this one thing...."
DeleteGlad to hear the workers closed up the window so well. I've lived through many remodels, though, and remember the mess and dust.
I'm having a quiet day at home except for walking MrDog. The weather is clear and cold,my favorite. Still no snow, weird winter here.
Cheers, SJ
SJ...Your talking about your genealogy research has inspired me to do the same for a few days. Truth be known, I am a bit burned out with the crochet work and I need to do something else for while. I have a ton of information stored on my computer and need to get it organized. I think I will spend the rest of the week and weekend on that.
DeleteIt is the research part I love the best. At one point I found that my great-great grandfather had run a ferry between two points across the Minnesota River in 1878. This required permission from the State in the form of an Act of the State Legislature. I found a transcript online of that Act. It grants great-great grandpa permission to run his ferry for fourteen years, from the time the ice goes out of the river in the spring until the river begins to freeze over in the winter each year. It tells him how much he is to charge for people (5 cents), livestock (5 cents except sheep and pigs at 2 cents), horse team and wagon (20 cents), etc. and the hours of the day he can be open. It is amazing the information one can find.
Clear and cold here. My apartment is staying warm, even with the boarded up window opening. My landlord showed up this morning with a space heater for me. I thanked him kindly, but let him know I had already bought one just in case it was needed. So far, so good. :)
ReplyDeleteGorges...Murphy is alive and well and seems to be living in my house these days. :)
ReplyDeletedeb...I would expect nothing less from a self-important government official. Quite possibly related to church officials of the same ilk. :)
DeleteWow, I sure hope you get the window in soon. I'm surprised they showed up for the shut down with the government shutdown delaying a lot right now.
ReplyDeleteKristina...We have to wait for warmer weather, and this cold spell is predicted to last at least two weeks. This was a city official, so he wasn't affected by the federal shut down. What I find stunning is the lack of compassion. He would rather throw his official weight round than to allow a window to fill a gaping hole in the living room of a widow with health issues.
DeleteHi Vicki. I hope you are staying warm enough and Duane is back on his feet and doing well. You have enough quilts and afghans to cover up, right? Fern
ReplyDeleteSo good to hear from you, Fern...Duane considered it a good day when he could walk without tipping over. :) The progress is slow, but there is progress and we are grateful for that.
DeleteQuilts and afghans at the ready for the severe cold coming our way. Unlike most of the city population, we don't need to do an emergency grocery run. I just love my food storage!!
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.